Saturday, 28 February 2015

The BodyShop Facial Brush : Review

I was born with blessed skin but by times i started facing some common problems such as freckles, pimples and those red patches become extra burden to me... At the beginning I was so tensed with all those and I used to get concious when ever I step out in public but consulting to a dermatologist and taking extra care myself it started to ease. There are few necessary: TO DO list for my facial skin and exfoliating is one among them.

I have been exfoliating with scrub and cleansing gel ever since I get to know the importance of exfoliation but I haven't tried any cleansing brush as I feel it's so unnecessary until i use it myself. And trust me with the use of facial brush it's 100% better visible result in one use.....

I purchased The BodyShop facial brush when I was in Delhi on Jan and since then have been experimenting this product. The review below are based on my own experiment.

Why Exfoliate?

Some of you might think why exfoliating is considered so important? For me it is the first thing that comes in mind when i think of my skin routine.Our face are all pores when we zoom in and check and these pores are filled with oil and dirt which later result to as pimples and allergy if not taken care properly. And more over if the base of your skin is not well clean thn no matter how expensive cream and makeup you use it won't give good result. So in order to get the best glowing skin exfoliating is a must as it cleanse your pores from the root.

Why to use a brush to exfoliate?

Just like a brush is necessary for your teeth it is important to your facial skin as well. Scrub and cleansing gel will definitely help in exfoliating but with use of a brush it can able to cleanse from the root.

How to use it?

The BodyShop Facial Brush is a manual brush. So, put your favorite facial cleanser or face wash on the wet bristles, and massage your face in circular motions for a minute. Use it all over your face, excluding under eye areas and eyes. Focus on the T-Zone area as it is prone to Blackheads.

What it does?

1. Cleanse your face properly.
2. Remove blackheads that has been troubling you from long.
3.Remove makeup, oil and dirt from the pores and so there's a less chances of getting acne.
4.Lighten the acne scars.
5.Visible glow in a wash.
6.Helps prevent breakout and tanning.

Price: 265INR

Final thought: I started seeing effect on my face from the first use itself, it brought glow to my skin, lighten my acne scars and reduced my blackheads. While using this product one should keep in mind not to over use it, specially to those who have sensitive skin use it every other day. The packaging of this brush is so good, it's portable and the cap is super tight. Overall, I am so impressed with this product and i will definitely recommend you all to try it.

If you have any queries regarding this product or how to exfoliate comment below or connect me through other social media sites!!

Much Love

Tenzing Nima

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