Saturday 11 April 2015


So finally the contest of the book 'Who,Me?' has come to an end.
I am so glad to see such a great participation from you all and it indeed gave us tough time to select the winners because all your views on ' DOES EXTERNAL BEAUTY MATTERS IN THE WORLD OF LOVE?' were really good but as decided earlier there shall be only one winner from either a blog or facebook page and two winners from my Instagram account.
And the winners are :
From Blog and Facebook page the winner is
Poonam Pait who commented on the blog post and she wrote
"Hello nima, 
The question, 'does external beauty matters in the world of love?' is a complicated line as every individual has its own choice of love interest. Well at least from the men side 80% they get attracted because of the external beauty but it's a short term attraction for many as now men do look beyond beauty too. In today's generation women are not only beautiful outside but they are intellectual, smart, highly qualified to match up any men in any platform. 
So according to me external beauty is nothing but a short period of infatuation, which will die down with time, but admiration of a person's nature to take care of everything and handle every situation with ease will be there forever. 
Hope I did made some sense here. 

From the Instagram we have selected two winners and they are :
1. (@indulkar_richa) who wrote ("The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul"-Audrey Hepburn. According to me external beauty does not matter in the world of love because if a relationship is based upon looks of the outer appearance it does not last long. An outer appearance will last a few decades but what after that? whereas the inner beauty will last forever. After all, no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.)
2. (@piscean_kc) who wrote "Inner beauty is more important than external one in the matter of love because love will grow along with the time with inner beauty whereas external beauty lives up only for the time being."
Congrats to all of you :)
Those who didn't won this time don't worry, I have more Giveaways in queue. So stay tuned for more!! INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK/ TWITTER 


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